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Spanish Variety Appendix A & B -
The PRE Fusion Horse (PFH)


Above: Canna, a good example of the desired PRE Fusion Horse type, conformation and presence. By Kan VIII (PRE) ex Erka (Belgian Warmblood). Champion Register II Mare 2001 BAPSH National Show. Bred by Yeguada Iberica, shown by Kim Warren. Photo: Courtesy of the BAPSH Ltd

General Description

The  PRE Fusion Horse (PFH) features intelligence, excellent work ethic and trainability, a kind and affectionate character, adaptability to new situations, courage and athleticism, a forgiving nature, hardiness with a good constitution, harmonious body proportions with an arched high-set neck proudly carried, strong tendons, very hard hooves, and luxuriant mane and tail; the breed gives an overall impression of quality and nobility.


List of Breeds below (not exclusive) fused with the PRE Horse (Purebred Spanish Horse) resulting in highly successful PRE Fusion Horses for all types of competition, and pleasure riding/ carriage driving for the family. 

List of breeds organised according to popularity with PRE Fusion Horse breeders are: Thoroughbred Partbreds, Thoroughbred GSB Warmbloods (all Studbooks), Welsh Cobs & Welsh Ponies, Partbred Arabs, Anglo-Arabs, Connemara Ponies, British Native Ponies, Cobs & Irish Cobs, Shire Horses, Irish Draft Horses, Friesian Horses, Harness Horse Breeds (Hackney, Cleveland Bay, NZ Standardbred, Orlov), Lusitano, Lippizaner and Arab.


The Breeding Book has a Main Section with two Appendices (A & B).

There are 5 Classes in the Main Section defining the percentage of genetic input from the PRE horse, from the minimum 25% up to 100% PRE ancestry. The remaining genetic input is from one or more other breeds.
The Five Classes are:-
Class 5: From 25% to 49.9% PRE blood.
Class 4:  From 50% to 74.9% PRE blood.
Class 3:  From 75% to 86.49% PRE blood
Class 2:  From 87.5% to 93.74% PRE blood.
Class 1:  From 93.75% PRE blood.


There are 5 Classes in Appendix-A defining the percentage of genetic input from the PRE horse in exactly the same way as the Main Section. Horses/foals eligible for registration into Appendix-A are those which almost meet the entry requirements of the Main Section, but have a potentially correctable documentation problem currently preventing Main Section entry.
The usual documentation problems are:-

  1. PRE sire or dam is Not Approved for Breeding

  2. PRE Fusion Horse sire is Not Approved for Breeding

   3(a). Incorrect procedures with Covering Certificate or Foal was not at foot with dam, but the Horse/Foal has No 

DNA Type and parentage test.

   3(b). Genetic Tests for inheritable defects are Not completed.

   4. One parent is a registered horse with certified 50% or greater 'Approved for Breeding' (Apto) PRE blood,

but the other parent has Unknown/Uncertified pedigree.


APPENDIX-A Registration Parameters

  1.  PRE sire or dam is Not Approved for Breeding (APTO) at the time the foal is registered. A Covering Certificate should still have been issued for the non-Apto PRE Stallion at the date of the mating, or as soon as the conception was detected. 

  2. PRE Fusion Horse sire is Not Approved for Breeding at the time the foal is registered. A Covering Certificate should still have been issued at the date of the mating, or as soon as the conception was detected. 

  3. (a) Incorrect procedures with Covering Certificate or Foal is not at foot with dam, but Foal has No DNA Type and parentage test.3a.     

    3. (b) Genetic Tests for inheritable defects are not completed for the foal, or one or both parents. 

   4. The sire or dam is a horse of Unknown pedigree, but the other parent is a registered horse with a certified       

       minimum of 50% Apto PRE blood.



There are 2 Classes in Appendix-B defined by the phenotype of the horse. This Appendix provides an essential route for entry into the PRE Fusion Breeding Program for the excellent Spanish PRE-Type performance horses bred on the working stock-farms in Spain. These Spanish stock-farm horses are the result of many generations of strong selection for health, resilience, trainability, stamina, and good character.
Class 1 Phenotype close to Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE); estimated 93.75% to 100% PRE blood
Class 4 Phenotype of a crossbred PRE; estimated 50% to 74.9% PRE blood.


APPENDIX-B Registration Parameters
Horses which comply with the breed characteristics laid down in the breeding programme of the PRE Fusion Horse, but do not comply with parentage criteria.

  1. There is No Covering Certificate to certify the Sire and the Dam does NOT have 50% PRE Apto blood.

  2. The sire and dam are Unproven. Breeders/sellers may give clients parentage information for a purchased horse that has no documentary proof. The horse will be accepted for registration in Appendix-B providing the horse meets the PRE Fusion Horse characteristics, showing PRE-Type or partial PRE-Type in the 4 photographs taken at the time of the Veterinary ID for Registration.

  3. The sire and dam are Unknown. The horse will be accepted for registration in Appendix-B providing the horse meets the PRE Fusion Horse characteristics, showing PRE-Type or partial PRE-Type in the 4 photographs taken at the time of the veterinary ID for Registration.

  4. The horse is of a purebreed, descended from ancestral PRE stock, with a mother studbook overseas, and the purebreed is not yet recognised. The purebreed type MUST meet the general breed standard of the PRE Fusion Horse. 


PFH Appendix A & B Breed Standards


Head - Size and substance and length of head will vary according to the breeds blended into the individual PRE Fusion Horse but the head should show the Spanish elegance of sculptured nasal bone and fine inverted comma-shape nostrils viewed from the front with a long, fine, mobile top-lip. Large expressive triangular- shape brown eyes. Ears medium size, mobile and well attached.


Neck and Body - long graceful arched neck, inserted high and clean into well defined withers and long sloping shoulders (45 to 60degrees) that blend smoothly into a short back. Broad strong loins connect smoothly into rounded muscular hindquarters. A medium to low-set tail is usual for a PRE Fusion Horse except when there is a large proportion of Arab blood in the immediate ancestry which will result in a higher tail-set.


Front-limbs - Good length of upper-arm sloping back to elbows positioned below the withers. Well muscled fore-arm. Well developed symmetrical joints correctly aligned from side and front view. Medium length cannon bones with well defined tendons. Strong pasterns sloping at about 45 degrees. Hard tough deep round hooves.


Hind-limbs - powerful well developed musculature on thigh and second thigh. Well

developed symmetrical joints correctly aligned from side and rear view. Hock joint strong and well-defined with a robust achilles tendon attachment. Medium length cannon bones with well defined tendons. Strong pasterns sloping at about 45 degrees. Hard tough deep round hooves.


Movement - active, elastic, powerful, harmonious, showing good joint flexion and a willingness to engage the hindquarters.


Height - The PRE Fusion Horse normally ranges from 14.0hh to 18.0hh. Horses which are smaller or larger than this range are accepted for registration providing they meet the rest of the Breed Standard and the Entry Requirements for the Studbook.


Colour - Any colour or colour combination is accepted in the Main Studbook.

Courtesy of the The British Association for the Purebred Spanish Horse Ltd


a good example of the high-quality PRE-type horses of unknown parentage which are registered in Appendix-B

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