Part/Cross Breed Clydesdale
The Clydesdale Cross or Part breed Clydesdale is a horse derived from Clydesdale bloodlines (at least one parent must be 100% Clydesdale) and those of another breed or mixed breed. Ideally the progeny will display desirable characteristics and qualities of both the Clydesdale and the other breeds.
With such diversity, a major problem has been faced with trying to produce a breed standard for these particularly striking individuals. The uniformity of type is the biggest hurdle to be overcome and if we categorise the Part breed Clydesdale into light, medium and heavy depending on the amount of Clydesdale or other heavy breed blood they possess and therefore their appearance when presented. Height of the animal could be anything from 15 hands to 17 hands, but possibly less, if crossed with a native breed pony for instance. It should present as an evenly balanced individual and should show plenty of depth.
Quality of bone, skin and hair should be at a high level and feather should be present in some form, the degree of which will be defined by the level of heavy horse present in the individual.
The head should be handsome and in proportion to the neck and body. The face may be of any type straight, slightly Roman or dished also depending on the cross. The neck should also be in proportion to the animal, muscular yet not too thick. The neck shoulders and head should blend together seamlessly giving the animal a fantastic outlook.
The front legs should be correct when viewed from all sides, cannons tending longer, tendons should show prominently and feather should be coming from the back of the tendon and should be soft to touch and straight. The pastern should be a continuation of the hoof and should be fairly long and sloping correctly to relieve concussion during the course of the horses movements. The feet should be sound and healthy.
The chest should be deep, wide low and an adequate girth should be present depending on the height of the animal.
The back should be also well proportioned to the animal and have enough length, width and strength to support ridden or driving pursuits depending on what the individual horse is used for.
The hind quarters should be strong and well muscled and the hind legs should be correct when viewed from all sides.
Finally the action of the horse should be even and be in perfect unison at all gaits. The Clydesdale Cross/Part bred Clydesdale should have a swagger at walk, a spring about it at trot a comfortable canter and an absolutely amazing gallop.
Written by Tony Cummins (As Eirinn Clydesdale and Sporthorse Stud)